Moving Forward to Create a New Chapter - Nantong Dazhong Gas Holds 20th Anniversary Symposium

On December 18, 2023, it was a great day for the 20th anniversary of the joint venture of Nantong Dazhong Gas Co., Ltd. The company organized a symposium on its 20th anniversary at the Gas Building. Tang Congcong, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Municipal Administration and Landscape Bureau, Xu Xunguo, a member of the Party Group, Zhang Jianzhong, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Nantong Urban Construction Group, and Yang Guoping, Chairman of Shanghai Dazhong Public Utilities, were invited to attend. Wang Baoping, Chairman of Nantong Dazhong gas, gathered with all directors, supervisors, management team, representatives of senior leaders, middle-level management personnel, model workers, and representatives of young employees.

The meeting was presided over by Ke Pinjian, Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of the company. Mr. Ke reviewed the development process of the company over the past 20 years. The company has worked together to forge ahead and create an enterprise brand with standardized management, advanced technology, honest service and good benefits. The company has achieved "four no's" in safe production for consecutive years, and has won honors such as provincial civilized unit, municipal safe enterprise, demonstration site of party conduct and clean government construction, and exemplary organization in safe production, The annual gas sales have increased from 16 million cubic meters to 350 million cubic meters, the pipeline length has increased from 600 kilometers to 3,000 kilometers by 2023, and the total number of customers has increased from over 100,000 to over 640,000. This has achieved the harmonious and healthy development goal of steady synergistic growth of enterprise economic benefits, social benefits, and employee income.

Wang Baoping pointed out in his speech that over the past 20 years, the company has been continuously taking new steps in ensuring safety, pursuing development, optimizing services, strengthening management, and creating harmony. He expressed sincere gratitude to the government, shareholders, employees, and customers for their long-term support, care, and assistance to the company. He stated that the company will continue to remember its original intention, keep in mind its mission, and further promote the high-quality development. At the meeting, model workers and representatives of young employees spoke one after another, reviewing the process of growing together with the company. The former leaders of the company reminisced about the past and revisited those passionate years.

The sincere cooperation between shareholders over the past 20 years has contributed to the growth of the company. Zhang Jianzhong stated that the company will continue to ensure supply, quality, and safety, strengthen service, efficiency, and brand, enhance social satisfaction, and enhance the sense of honor of employees. Both shareholders should carry out cooperation at a deep and broad level. Yang Guoping proposed that the company should seize the opportunity of the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta. Faced with the golden opportunity period of Nantong's economic development, the company should be prepared in terms of institutional reform, smart gas, and talent reserves.

The leadership of the supervisory bureau fully recognized the company's achievements and raised expectations for its further development. Xu Xunuo pointed out that the company should further improve its political standing, complete various target tasks with high quality and quantity. Increase investment, improve pipeline construction, and achieve full coverage of natural gas pipelines in urban areas. Increase operation management and conduct comprehensive testing. Fulfill its main responsibility to ensure stable supply in winter and increase the rate of home safety inspection. Improve the level of intelligent management. Tang Congcong required the company to make a good summary, accumulate experience, identify problems, and make precise efforts. In the next 20 years, the company must always prioritize safety, make up for weaknesses, extend the supply chain, increase the understanding of bottom line services, achieve digitalization, and improve technical inspection methods in terms of safety.

The 20th anniversary is a milestone in the development history of Nantong Dazhong gas, and it is also a new starting point for writing a more brilliant chapter. The achievements of the company today are inseparable from the care and guidance of leaders at all levels, as well as the joint efforts of all leaders and employees. Over the past 20 years, the company has been based itself on its own practical, relying on the advantages of advanced management, technology, and service concepts of Shanghai Dazhong, to achieve new changes every year and new steps at a time, providing safe and stable gas supply to residential, commercial, and industrial users, and has received widespread praise, with its brand reputation gradually becoming more popular.
