The Group Held the 2024 Annual Work Conference

On the afternoon of February 4th, the Group held the 2024 Annual Work Conference at the Zhongteng Building. The Chairman Yang Guoping, CEO Liang Jiawei, leaders in charge of business division, heads of department and all management team attended the meeting. The meeting was presided over by CEO Liang Jiawei.

At the meeting, CFO Jiang Yun analyzed the economic activities of various sectors of the group in 2023, the head of the human resources department and the managers of the subsidiaries separately made presentations.

CEO Liang Jiawei made a report at the meeting and analyzed the main operating conditions of the group in the past three years. He said that the business performance in 2023 had been greatly improved compared with last year, while affirming the achievements in financial and capital management, securities affairs, internal control, human resources, information construction and safety production management. In the face of downward economic pressure in 2024, the Group should maintain the business strategy of "seeking progress while maintaining stability and focusing on stability". In terms of management, the focus should be on accelerating the efficiency of human resource allocation. In terms of finance, the focus should be on the control of cash flow and debt ratio. In terms of internal control, the group should achieve full coverage of the entire group and insist on unremitting efforts.

Group Chairman Yang Guoping delivered an important speech with the theme of "Wisdom, Quality, Governance" at the meeting. He analyzed and summarized the various work of the group from three aspects: reviewing the past, predicting the current situation, and planning for the future. Combining the current severe and complex international and domestic economic situation, he planned and deployed the development goals and direction of the group company in 2024. He pointed out that with the joint efforts of the group in 2023, all employees were closely united, explored and made good business performance. The Group was once again listed on the top 100 listed companies in Shanghai, and its main credit rating has remained at 3A level for six consecutive years. At the same time, The Group continued to assume social responsibilities, actively participate in social welfare undertakings, and practice the corporate philosophy of "mass support when one is in trouble", winning a good brand image. Looking forward to 2024, the Chairman emphasized the need to continue to adhere to the main line of sustainable high-quality development, develop pillar industries with high quality, stability, and efficiency, maintain the bottom line of operating cash flow and debt ratio, further improve and optimize the comprehensive risk prevention and control system, and continuously enhance the core competitiveness of the enterprise.

