DZUG Held the 2024 Annual Safety Production Work Conference

The 2024 Annual Safety Production Work Conference of the Group was held on the afternoon of March 11. Liang Jiawei, President of the Group and Deputy Director of the Safety Committee, Wang Baoping, Executive Director of the Group and Head of the Safety Production Work Group, Jiang Yun, Vice President and CFO of the Group, Li Weitao, Party Secretary of the Group and Administrative Director, Zhang Rongzheng, Assistant to the President of the Group, heads of the Group's Administrative and Information Departments, safety leaders and safety management personnel from Shanghai-based subsidiaries attended the meeting in person, while safety leaders from out-of-town companies participated remotely. The meeting was chaired by Wang Baoping.

At the meeting, the safety administrator first reported on the work and achievements of the Company in the field of safety production in 2023. The leaders in charge of safety in Dazhong Jiading and Dazhong Gas introduced and shared their safety management experiences over the past year, as well as their safety management objectives for 2024. Mr. Wang deployed the safety production work for the Group in 2024 from various aspects, including the layer-by-layer signing of the "Safety Production Responsibility letters," the investigation and rectification of safety hazards, the earmarked use of safety production funds, the establishment of a training system that combines safety education with vocational skills, the improvement of emergency plans and strengthening of drills, the reinforcement of duty and vigilance, and the enhancement of the timeliness and accuracy of early warning information.

At the conclusion of the meeting, Mr. Liang emphasized the importance of constant vigilance and unremitting efforts in safety production. He set forth several requirements for the future safety work: First, to focus on the development and steady advancement of the safety system and capabilities, with an emphasis on "prevention before the fact"; Second, to establish a clear and layered responsibility system for safety production between the Group and its subsidiaries, as well as within the subsidiaries themselves, to solidify grassroots safety management and create a framework where "corporate leaders take overall responsibility, departments are specifically responsible, and every employee is accountable"; Third, all units should continuously improve their emergency plans, value safety drills, establish dedicated safety funds, and ensure the allocation of human, material, and financial resources to safety work; Fourth, safety and skill training in each subsidiary should be comprehensive and targeted, with a focus on strengthening personnel safety precautions; Fifth, to establish and improve modern information channels to enhance the timeliness and efficiency of information warnings and increase the ability to prevent risks. In addition, Mr. Liang made specific requirements for each sector. He pointed out that gas safety is of utmost importance in the Group, and it is necessary to conduct comprehensive inspections and focus on managing all aspects of production and operations. At the same time, he emphasized the need to increase publicity efforts to raise the safety awareness of end-users. Logistics companies must remain vigilant all the time, maintain strict vehicle safety inspections, continuously improve safety awareness and operational skills of each employee, and highlighted the importance of fire safety management for new energy charging projects. All units in the environmental sector must reinforce the safety of business premises, strictly enforce confined space operation regulations and chemical management systems, and always pay attention to climate changes to enhance the ability to respond to various natural disasters. Financial sector units should ensure the safety of data assets. Mr. Liang earnestly reminded everyone that safety work is an arduous and complex systematic project with only a starting point and no endpoint. Achievements only represent the past. The Company must not fear difficulties, and tackle challenges with a sense of responsibility that is always on high alert and a cautious attitude as if walking on thin ice, to promote a continuous and stable improvement in the overall safety production situation.
